Tuesday, September 17, 2013

UFO Truth Magazine to hold first conference November 2013

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

UFO Truth Magazine will be holding its first conference on November 16, 2013, in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire. I'll be speaking there along with the magazine's editor, Gary Heseltine, Richard D. Hall, and Anthony Beckett...

To purchase tickets, please contact Gary Heseltine at: heseltinegary@hotmail.com

For further details about the conference, including speakers' subjects, keep an eye on UFO Truth Magazine on Facebook.


  1. I think the trailer for this film interested a mass majority of movie goers. The film looked like it took place in a post apocalyptic future where humans have to go through a lot just for survival. the most remarkable thing was how quiet the trailer was, the use of silence seemed effective. I was also interested in seeing John Krasinski handle a major studio horror film. I watched The Hollars but I felt like this was Krasinski's time to make a big wave. happy death day review

    The film is about a family who live in solitude with their son and their deaf daughter. They must be careful to be absolutely quiet as there is something that lurks in the shadows and waits to hear sound to prey and attack. They must find a way to not only survive but work on a way to defeat what they are being hunted by. The film stars and is directed John Krasinski and real life wife. The great Millicend Simmonds (who is deaf in real life and also wonderful in Wonderstruck) is also in it. the devil's candy review

    The film uses silence so excellently. The film is dead quiet at many times and all you hear is the effective score or natural surroundings. It creates a wonderful atmosphere. The film also packs a real emotional bunch in its short duration length which was surprising. The performances are spot on. I can't help but point out (as many people already have) how stupid it is to have a baby in this type of environment. Makes no sense whatsoever. Apart from that, the film is worth your time. watch Avengers Infinity War online
