Saturday, March 3, 2012

‘John Carter’: the reviews are in

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

A selection of early critics’ reviews for Disney’s Mars-based adventure John Carter is now viewable over at

At the time of writing, the movie scores a not-too-shabby 77% on the Tomatometer. That percentage is likely to alter as more reviews pour in. However, if John Carter’s box-office performance is in any way reflective of its early critical reception, then Disney may have succeeded in lifting Hollywood’s dreaded Martian Curse! We’ll know for sure when the movie is released on March 9.

Here’s a snapshot of ‘JC’s’ critical reception:

“A fun story, impressive alien world, and cool 3D effects make John Carter a surprise treat that may not have been on your radar.”

Scott Chitwood

“A handsome new sci-fi adventure that feels rather familiar. Enjoyable enough while it lasts, John Carter is big on ambition and disappointingly short on action.”

Jonathan Crocker
Total Film

“John Carter is a fantastic fusion of old-fashioned adventure excitement and modern blockbuster spectacle. In short, it's wonderful.”

Stephen Lambrechts
IGN Movies AU

“Lynn Collins's feisty Dejah Thoris is the best kick-ass sci-fi princess since Leia.”

Dave Golder
SFX Magazine

“Stanton has built a fantastic world, but the action is unmemorable. Still, just about every sci-fi/fantasy/superhero adventure you ever loved is in here somewhere.”

Dan Jolin

“Arid, barren Barsoom is a dull environment for a sci-fi blockbuster, and the consequences of the conflicts happening on screen are small. John Carter just never pulled me in."

Sean O'Connell

Head on over to for the rest. Reports on John Carter’s box-office performance will be posted here at Silver Screen Saucers in the coming days.

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