Saturday, June 23, 2012

'Transformers 4' headed for final frontier

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

Transformers 4 is headed for the final frontier, according to director Michael Bay. When asked by The Los Angeles Times recently if the new story will involve a departure from Earth, Bay replied: “I think so, yeah, a little... That feels like the way to go, doesn’t it? I want to go a littleoff [Earth] but I don’t want to go toosci-fi. I still want to keep it grounded. That’s what works in these movies, that’s what makes it accessible.” 

Exactly, because if the Transformers franchise goes too far off-planet then it might stretch credulity. It could even risk tarnishing the gritty documentary realism Bay worked so hard to create in the first three movies. The otherwise sober notion of giant transforming alien robots might even start to seem... silly? 

Bay told the LA Times that his next Transformersmovie (which will be his last) will not be a reboot, as rumours had suggested, but will nevertheless veer off in new directions and feature a new cast. Some of the Transformers themselves will also be redesigned (allowing for a new line of Hasbro toys). 

“It’s not a reboot, that’s maybe the wrong word,” Bay said. “I don’t want to say reboot because then people will think we’re doing a Spider-Man and starting from the beginning. We’re not. We’re taking the story that you’ve seen — the story we’ve told in three movies already — and we’re taking it in a new direction. But we’re leaving those three as the history. It all still counts.”

Transformers 4 is currently without a script. It does have a release date, though: 29 June, 2014.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

'The Watch': new international trailer

Silver Screen Saucers

The new international trailer for R-rated sci-fi comedy The Watch has just landed online...

The movie stars Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Rosemarie DeWitt, Jonah Hill, Richard Ayoade, Will Forte and Billy Crudup. It follows a suburban neighborhood watch group that finds itself in over its head when it uncovers an alien plot to destroy the world.

The Watch hits cinemas July 27.


Hollywood's Aliens After Disclosure 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

UFO movie news round-up (18 June, 2012)

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

Jupiter Ascending

Channing Tatum has confirmed to MTV that he will star in the Wachowski brothers’ Jupiter Ascending, which is about "higher forms of life [who] are watching us... from other worlds." Mila Kunis is set to play a Russian immigrant "who is busily scrubbing toilets for a living. Unbeknownst to her, she actually possesses the same perfect genetic makeup as the Queen of the Universe and is therefore a threat to her otherwise immortal rule."

MTV says that Tatum's character is “an evolved-being bounty hunter sent to kill Kunis' character, but instead falls in love with her and attracts the ire of his genetically superior contemporaries in the process.”

What the hell are the Wachowski’s sniffing?

Michael Bay’s Aliens

Paramount Pictures has postponed the planned release of Michael Bay’s upcoming Ninja Turtles reboot. Originally set for release on Christmas Day, 2013, the movie’s opening has now been pushed back by 10 weeks to May 16, 2014. The (controversially alien) turtles themselves are expected to be motion capture CGI, using the same techniques employed in Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Michael Bay has also told Hero Complex that the next Transformers movie will be his last. Incidentally, Transformers: The Ride 3D opened at Universal Studios last month, with Steven Spielberg in attendance. View the opening here...

Ender’s Game

There have been a number of updates in the production log for upcoming alien invasion epic Ender’s Game, which looks set to be a technologically groundbreaking movie. It stars Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley and is produced by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci (who, as writers, brought us Transformers and Cowboys and Aliens). View the Ender’s Game production log here.


Photos have emerged of Tom Cruise on location in New York for the shoot of his upcoming alien invasion movie Oblivion (formerly titled Horizons). Apparently the movie involves New Yoik cops as well as aliens. View the pics here.

Hollywood’s Aliens: Prototypes for the Real Thing?

SETI’s Seth Shostak contemplates the realism of Hollywood’s alien movies.

Alien Contact: Movie Smackdown

Bryce Zabel’s pits numerous alien contact movies against one another to see which ones emerge victorious. It makes for fascinating reading and provokes great debates. Check it out. 

‘Battleship’ Sank with Weight of Own Brilliance

Battleship: Too good for its own good.

That’s right. Peter Berg’s alien invasion movie / Navy recruitment ad failed at the US box-office not because it was in any way shit, but because it was, in fact, just too damn visionary and ambitious. Berg – whose 209-million-dollar movie made just 62 million in the US and is struggling to reach 300 million worldwide – told the Huffington Post recently: “I have a movie in theaters right now which has obviously underperformed in many ways... But the concept is so big and powerful, and the money is so big and so powerful, that the movie is going to run away with itself.”

We know where you’re coming from, Peter. Because everyone knows that big-budget alien invasion movies - such a rarity for Hollywood - are always a huge risk at the box-office. Oh, wait a minute...

Box-Office: Avengers, MIB 3 & Prometheus

Still on release at the international box-office, The Avengers (or Avengers Assemble) has so far taken 1.4 billion dollars worldwide, making it the third most successful movie of all time (not adjusted for inflation). Men in Black 3, meanwhile, with a production budget of $225 million, has so far raked in some $544 million worldwide, and the oh-so-controversial Prometheus, with a budget of $125 million and a non-family-friendly ‘R’ rating, is now approaching $220 million worldwide.

More Prometheus

On the subject of Prometheus, Ridley Scott’s long-awaited movie has, of course, divided the critics, with much vitriol being spewed at its screenplay. Notably, Bryce Zabel was bitterly disappointed, stating that, while “Scott’s direction of Prometheus is a mastery of design,” the idiocy of the movie’s characters is “chronic”:

“Anyone who would spend a trillion dollars on a hot-shot spacecraft like Prometheus and send it out on the most important mission ever conceived with a crew of morons like this one, well, it just boggles the mind. People in this film simply do not behave rationally — not toward each other, not toward the mission, not at all. Most films can be forgiven a time or two when the characters veer off wrongly in order to accomplish a plot point, but the problem in Prometheusis chronic.”

Read the rest of Bryce’s review over at

As for Prometheus’ central concept that human ancestry can be traced to the stars, “It's not such a crazy idea,” says TimeEntertainment, “research has long supported the theory that life originated elsewhere.” Read all about it in: Prometheus 101: The Science Behind Ridley Scott's Vision of Aliens Populating Earth.

PROMETHEUS SPOILERS AHEAD! Scroll down no further if you’ve not yet seen the film...

Many cinemagoers have begun to pick holes in Prometheus’ admittedly infuriating plot. I’m not sure the imaginary exchange below (via Enchanted Mitten) – funny though it is – quite ‘gets’ what really unfolded in the movie, but it effectively sums-up the post-Prometheus debate now raging on fan forums across the web (again, major spoilers here)...

And, finally, here are some cool stills from deleted scenes that will almost certainly appear in a DVD director’s cut of Prometheus later this year (for more like this, head on over to

Saturday, June 16, 2012

“Alien language” presented by CIA & Disney

By Robbie Graham Silver Screen Saucers

UPDATED: 19 JUNE, 2012


Nordic aliens in Disney's Race to Witch Mountain (2009).

One of the most eyebrow-raising cases of government involvement in a Hollywood UFO movie in recent years is that of Race to Witch Mountain (2009), which apparently received extensive support from the CIA – albeit in an ‘off the books’ capacity – despite its plot drawing extensively from UFO mythology (with references both to Area 51 and Roswell) and its presentation of a sinister government UFO cover-up.

In 2010, the film's director, Andy Fickman – a self-described “UFO enthusiast” born and raised in Roswell, New Mexico – told me that, although he personally shaped the majority of the film’s UFO-related content, at least some of it was the result of CIA input. The director claims that, in a highly unusual production arrangement, he and his crew were closely assisted by an active employee of the CIA whose advice extended to designing the alien writing seen in the flying saucer during the film’s climactic scenes. 

Race to Wicth Mountain: inside the flying saucer.

Despite my best efforts, Fickman has been unwilling to reveal to me the identity of his CIA advisor, but claims he’s a former Air Force Technical Intelligence Officer, that he had been “very active in Hollywood,” and “had a lot of connections in the computer world and [experience in] satellite imagery.”Fickman said of his CIA advisor:

All of the on-camera alien language in terms of their spaceship and everything – that was all designed by him in the sense [of what] the mathematics of communication would be, so you know... there would be a similar mathematical equation that the government probably has if they were to ever come across an alien race. So a lot of the things we ended up using were things he was bringing to me... and the next thing you know, that’s what I had on screen. 

The alien “language” to which Fickman refers appears onscreen in Race to Witch Mountain in the form of holographic symbols aboard the Nordic aliens’ flying saucer. Some are simple, some are more elaborate. Presented below are three of the most frequently recurring symbols that appear in the climactic scenes of the movie...

Morse code-type design as featured in the Race to Witch Mountain DVD menu.
This 'code' also appears in the film alongside various symbols.

Race to Witch Mountain DVD menu featuring various symbols that appear in the film. Not all symbols are displayed here.

The symbol pictured right frame appears frequently in Race to Witch Mountain's flying saucer. In the film it is seen to rotate.

Left frame: the flying saucer's schematic.

The question, of course, is what do these symbols mean? Besides some of them bearing a passing resemblance to certain crop formations (the authenticity of which is debatable), it is difficult to ascribe any significance to them beyond the fact that they were designed by an alleged CIA operative.

Has the CIA, in cooperation with Disney, presented us with real alien symbols / language? If so, to what conceivable end? In all likelihood, the symbols mean nothing, but it would be remiss of me not to throw them out there for feedback. Your comments are welcome.

More information on CIA involvement in Race to Witch Mountain can be found in my article UFOs and Disney: Behind the Magic Kingdom.